

The textile industry has a significant carbon footprint, contributes to carbon emissions and generates textile waste that often ends up in landfills or is incinerated. We are aware of these issues and are actively working to minimise our own environmental footprint. Our approach is based on the principles of circularity, making things sustainable, using them better and closing the loop.

With our partners, we make sure your clothes get a second life. The sorted high-quality material is sold in our own shop(s) at home and abroad, and with poor-quality clothes, our partners work to provide an alternative, environmentally-friendly solution for them. Recycling non-reusable garments prevents them from ending up in landfills or being incinerated. Through these efforts, we contribute to reducing the textile waste mountain.




We attach great importance to the well-being and safety of our employees. In the textile industry, workers often face harsh and unsafe working conditions. At ‘be the fibre’, we prioritise correct and safe working conditions, offering our workers fair wages and opportunities for growth and development. In addition, we embrace the power of inclusion by working with long-term unemployed and disadvantaged groups. We work closely with Flemish sheltered worksplaces to create a positive social impact. We also emphasise building strong relationships with stakeholders and partners in our supply chain who share our values and commitment to sustainability.



Together, we strive for a better future for all.



Our partnership with We Make Hope (WMH), a non-profit organisation with nearly 40 years of experience, reinforces our commitment to use our proceeds for charity. WMH specialises in collecting, sorting and finding sustainable recycling solutions for unwanted textiles.


To support our projects, we collect discarded textiles through WMH's red outdoor clothing containers and our 'Be the fibre'. Be the change' textile collection boxes indoors. Proceeds from these collections help fund development initiatives aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the projects we support is a kindergarten and primary school in Rambia, which also provides education to many orphans. We also contribute to several other projects, which you can see on the WMH project page.


At ‘be the fibre’, we believe that by aligning our actions with sustainability, we can create a better future for our planet and people, and that we can contribute to this with our profits as well. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and inclusive world.